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AboUt mE

I was born in the North West of England, studied Graphic Design in college and then went on to study Illustration at University. Through various events in life I have always kept my artistic flare going as it is a sort of life line I feel and a comfort from some of the harder things that life can throw at you.

The natural world I find is something very inspiring when creating art. Living by the coast and having access to woodlands, wildlife and the sea is a true blessing. It has the ability to send a nice message with even just a simple gesture and it has such fantastical, magical displays of colour and vibrancy that are just too hard to ignore when you need inspiration.

When it comes to techniques I really enjoy using a combination of traditional, digital and photography to generate colourful unique imagery. Experimenting is all part of the fun of creating the things I do. I have always kept a very open mind and approach towards art and enjoy adopting various styles as opposed to sticking to one way of working. 


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